Recover Bodywork
Integrative Medical Massage & Cupping Therapy


RESET | Deep Tissue Massage

30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $150

Deep Tissue massage combines firm pressure with a series of slow, deliberate strokes and soft tissue manipulations, passive stretches, and heat therapy to address both superficial and deep layers of muscles and connective tissue. Relieve Persistent Muscle Tension, Inflammation & Stiffness, Reduce Pain, Improve Range of Motion & Mobility, Decrease Headaches, Ease Nerve Tension, Reduce Tendinitis, Improve Posture, Prevent Injury, Shorten Recovery Time & Enhance Performance.

RECOVER | Medical & Sports

30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $150

Focus on one or more specific issues using Sports, Orthopedic, and Medical massage protocols combined with Deep Tissue massage and a series of slow, deep guided strokes and soft tissue manipulations, trigger point therapy, active and passive stretches, and hydrotherapy. Decrease Chronic Pain & Inflammation. Restore Mobility & Function. Facilitate Recovery from Postural Imbalance, Repetitive Strain, Tendinitis, Limited Range of Motion, Nerve Entrapment, and more.

REVERSE | Cupping Massage

30 minutes: $50
60 minutes: $100
90 minutes: $150

Combined with Deep Tissue massage, Cupping Massage gently lifts the skin, superficial layers of muscle, and connective tissue upward and creates a “reverse massage” using gliding to loosen muscles and fascia, encourage circulation, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, sedate nervous system, and promote relaxation. Cupping therapy firmly lifts deeper layers upward over areas of chronic tightness, adhesions, and limited mobility encouraging the release and clearing of lymph, cellular debris, and stagnation.

RECLAIM | Prenatal & Postnatal

60 minutes: $100

Massage therapy is a natural complement to your prenatal care, supporting you through every trimester and beyond the birth of your baby. Swedish, Deep Tissue, Myofascial Release, and heat therapy promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, reduce swelling, ease tension, decrease pain and symptoms of sciatica and carpal tunnel syndromes, improve posture, and promote overall wellness of mother and baby.

REST | Power Nap

10 minutes: $15

Ever wish you could take a nap at the end of your massage? Now you can! A 10-minute power nap can improve alertness, sharpen memory, and alleviate some of the feelings of fatigue. *Please note that the time may not be available if you do not book it in advance.

REINFORCE | Kinesiology Taping

Add-On: $10

Kinesiology Tape microscopically lifts skin, using decompression to soothe pain, reduce swelling & relieve bruising. The tape increases awareness of body position, improves & maintains posture, stability, function & performance. The tape delays muscle fatigue, enhances rehabilitation & speeds recovery of many common conditions.